Noam Bendelac
bendelac.noam@gmail.comChantilly, VAUS Citizen
Software engineer and UX designer seeking a full time role.
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
- M.Eng. Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction concentration, GPA 3.81/4.0
- B.S. Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction minor, GPA 3.90/4.0
- Coursework:
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Operating Systems
- Information Visualization
- Human Centered Design
- Virtual Reality
- Usability Engineering
- Computer Graphics
Independent Tutoring Business, Owner and Instructor
- Tutored CS algorithms, computer architecture, web development, and computer graphics
- Taught and utilized Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, C, C++, and Assembly (x86, MIPS, and ARM)
- Adapted quickly to teaching & debugging new codebase, curriculum, and language with each client
- Optimized marketplace profile for search rankings and conversion of HS, college, & adult customers
WillowTree, Android Software Engineering Intern
WillowTree, Android Software Engineering Intern
- Implemented new features, architecture refactorings, and accessibility and performance fixes
- Utilized Agile and Scrum, modern Android architecture, Kotlin Coroutines, Dagger, and RxJava
- Collaborated with client and in-house designers to refine vague requirements and improve designs
- Contributed to an app with 10 million downloads for a Fortune 500 media company client
Virginia Tech, Research Assistant
- Sole developer on full-stack web app for an HCI study on User Experience of collaborative playlists
- Created a React/TypeScript frontend and a Node.js REST API using MongoDB and Spotify API
- Tracked issues and 4000 lines of code in GitHub to report progress to client
- Designed variants of UI to compare improvements to asynchronous user communication
Salesforce Inc, Software Engineering Intern
- Added in-app tabs auto-closing in a legacy in-house pre-ES6 JavaScript framework
- Reduced memory usage by 35%. Improved tab-closing UX while meeting accessibility standards
CACI International Inc, Digital Signal Processing Software Intern
- Created a Python Qt UI to control a DSP backend system for a critical customer sales demo
- Translated Digital Signal Processing engineers' technical jargon to client-friendly user flow
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
- C++
- C
- Python
- Java
- Kotlin
- Rust
- Go
- C#
- React
- Next.js
- Node.js
- Android
- Django
- Cloud
- Linux
- Qt
- OpenGL
- Git
- Agile
- Figma
- Wireframing
- Arduino
- Digital circuits
- Analog circuits
- 3D CAD
Software Projects Web Portfolio and Resume
- Implemented and designed this resume and a personal portfolio in Next.js, React, and Figma
- Optimized CSS animations by using compositor properties and segregating from React rerenders
Third Person Perspective in Virtual Reality
- Prototyped control schemes and game mechanics for 3rd person exocentric VR in Unity and C#
- Ran user study on 3rd person VR design challenges like cybersickness and camera clipping
Piano Performance Visualization - Team Leader
- Led design and development of a frontend app visualizing piano pitch, rhythm, volume, and tempo
- Modified Needleman-Wunsch algorithm to match played and expected notes with error tolerance
- Optimized performance-critical compute and Three.js state updates to not be slowed by React
Graduate Capstone - Interactive 3D Diagrams for Hybrid Classrooms - Team Leader
- Designed and built a full-stack STEM education app in Figma, Node, TypeScript, React, and WebGL
- Created 3D diagrams for physics and calculus, and procedural geometry of user-defined math
- Developed a cloud-hosted HTTP and WebSocket backend API to let teachers and students interact
ISE Engineering Department Website UX Research and Redesign
- Ran competitive analysis and faculty focus groups. Redesigned info architecture and wireframes
- Department's full time designer adopted my research and design solutions to jumpstart their work
Filmmakers Club UX Research, Design, and Evaluation - Team Leader
- Conducted UX interviews, observations, and artifact flow model of filmmakers to study user needs
- Iterated low-fi wireframes and high-fi prototype of improved film schedule optimization workflow
- Ran a Wizard of Oz user test on a data- and decision-centric user flow that Figma couldn't support
Virginia E-ZPass Landing Page Redesign
- Redesigned page in Figma to improve accessibility, reduce clutter, and clarify information hierarchy
- Adhered to E-ZPass brand colors, tone of voice, and image assets remastered to vector graphics
Amateur Stargazing App UX Research, Design, and Evaluation
- Conducted UX interviews, observations, and affinity diagramming of shared outdoor campus space
- Designed stargazing app mockups and ran a cognitive walkthrough evaluation with target users
Misc Projects
Demo Projects
- Raytracer performance optimization with multithreading and acceleration structure in modern C++23
- Grass 3D graphics using 100,000 mesh instancing and a subsurface scattering shader
- 4-dimensional tetrahedral mesh geometry sliced into 3D procedural geometry in Three.js
- Minesweeper in Rust running in a browser frontend through WebAssembly
Undergrad Capstone - Spatial Audio Design Editor - Team Leader
- Designed and implemented a 3D spatial audio editor using React, TypeScript, and WebGL
- Visualized spatial audio fields heatmap following the Web Audio standard in a custom GLSL shader
- Mentored teammates in React and Three.js. Won Capstone Industry Sponsor Award
Dover Fueling Solutions Hackathon Winner, 1st Place
- Lead developer and taught teammates React for voice activated React app for digital gas pumps
C HTTP/1.1 Web Server
- Implemented an HTTP server in C hosted on AWS. Supports JWT auth, Range requests, and JSON
Classmate Finder Google Forms Plugin
- Volunteered to develop a JavaScript tool that connects students taking the same courses
- Helped my on-campus residence community make connections during the Covid-19 pandemic
Chamber Music at Virginia Tech, led ensemble of 6 musicians
- Transcribed and arranged video game music. Assembled, directed, and performed with ensemble
Technical Artist on a Multimedia Installation Art Project
- Created 3D graphics inspired by and synchronized to a piece of music using Processing and Kotlin
Linguistics Club, Officer
- Helped prepare and lead meetings on linguistics topics
Polys, N., & Bendelac, N. (2022, November). Spatial Audio Designer. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on 3D Web Technology.