I designed and implemented a 3D spatial audio editor and visualizer using Three.js, WebGL, the Web Audio API, and React. I experimented with different visualization techniques, including a “heatmap” showing each sound’s loudness in space, implemented using shaders.

I worked with a team of students and Dr. Nicholas Polys as my advisor. We published a short paper on it in the Web3D 2022 conference.

Screenshot of colorful heatmap in spatial audio editor

Interactive 3D Diagrams for Hybrid Classrooms

I built a web app for interactive 3D diagrams of physics, mathematics, and other STEM subjects. I wanted these diagrams to provide a spatial, dynamic, and interactive demonstration of topics that would be harder to learn in a static or 2D diagram. I designed the 2D user interface in Figma and based the 3D diagrams on textbooks I had read in my studies.

The app also supports classroom use by letting teachers toggle between two modes: Captain Mode lets teachers control students’ diagrams to guide their attention during an explanation, and Explorer Mode lets students control their own diagrams independently to build intuition and familiarity. I implemented this multiplayer control using WebSocket connections.

Screenshot of three dimensional physics diagram in web app

UX Research and Design

I worked with a team of designers to create an app for amateur stargazing in shared outdoor campus spaces. We conducted observations and interviews to learn about potential users’ preferences and habits.

We designed an app that uses a mobile phone’s sensors to guide the user in pointing their phone towards a celestial object. I created these mockups of the explore page and guiding tutorial to test with potential users.

Screenshot of stargazing app mockups

I created a visualization of piano performance that highlights not just note pitch and duration, but also the performer’s dynamics (loudness) and tempo rubato (changes in speed).


Noam Bendelac

Hello! I'm a graphics programmersoftware engineer design technologist UX researcher graphics programmer UX designer with a focus on collaborationperformance collaboration empathy immersion intuitiveness .

I earned my Master's and my Bachelor's in Computer Science and Human-Computer Interaction from Virginia Tech.

I've worked on design and software development at WillowTree, Salesforce, and CACI, and I'm eager to find my next endeavor. If you're hiring, get in touch!

Noam Bendelac

bendelac.noam@gmail.comChantilly, VAUS Citizen

Software engineer and UX designer seeking a full time role.


Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

  • M.Eng. Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction concentration, GPA 3.81/4.0
  • B.S. Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction minor, GPA 3.90/4.0
    • Coursework:
    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Operating Systems
    • Information Visualization
    • Human Centered Design
    • Virtual Reality
    • Usability Engineering
    • Computer Graphics


Independent Tutoring Business, Owner and Instructor

  • Tutored CS algorithms, computer architecture, web development, and computer graphics
  • Taught and utilized Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, C, C++, and Assembly (x86, MIPS, and ARM)
  • Adapted quickly to teaching & debugging new codebase, curriculum, and language with each client
  • Optimized marketplace profile for search rankings and conversion of HS, college, & adult customers

WillowTree, Android Software Engineering Intern

WillowTree, Android Software Engineering Intern

  • Implemented new features, architecture refactorings, and accessibility and performance fixes
  • Utilized Agile and Scrum, modern Android architecture, Kotlin Coroutines, Dagger, and RxJava
  • Collaborated with client and in-house designers to refine vague requirements and improve designs
  • Contributed to an app with 10 million downloads for a Fortune 500 media company client

Virginia Tech, Research AssistantGitHub Project

  • Sole developer on full-stack web app for an HCI study on User Experience of collaborative playlists
  • Created a React/TypeScript frontend and a Node.js REST API using MongoDB and Spotify API
  • Tracked issues and 4000 lines of code in GitHub to report progress to client
  • Designed variants of UI to compare improvements to asynchronous user communication

Salesforce Inc, Software Engineering Intern

  • Added in-app tabs auto-closing in a legacy in-house pre-ES6 JavaScript framework
  • Reduced memory usage by 35%. Improved tab-closing UX while meeting accessibility standards

CACI International Inc, Digital Signal Processing Software Intern

  • Created a Python Qt UI to control a DSP backend system for a critical customer sales demo
  • Translated Digital Signal Processing engineers' technical jargon to client-friendly user flow


  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • C++
  • C
  • Python
  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Rust
  • Go
  • C#
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Node.js
  • SQL
  • Android
  • Django
  • Cloud
  • Linux
  • Qt
  • OpenGL
  • GPU
  • Git
  • Agile
  • Figma
  • Wireframing
  • DSP
  • Arduino
  • Digital circuits
  • Analog circuits
  • 3D CAD

Software Projects

noambendelac.xyz Web Portfolio and ResumeGitHub Project

  • Implemented and designed this resume and a personal portfolio in Next.js, React, and Figma
  • Optimized CSS animations by using compositor properties and segregating from React rerenders

Third Person Perspective in Virtual RealityGitHub Project

  • Prototyped control schemes and game mechanics for 3rd person exocentric VR in Unity and C#
  • Ran user study on 3rd person VR design challenges like cybersickness and camera clipping

Piano Performance Visualization - Team LeaderGitHub Project

  • Led design and development of a frontend app visualizing piano pitch, rhythm, volume, and tempo
  • Modified Needleman-Wunsch algorithm to match played and expected notes with error tolerance
  • Optimized performance-critical compute and Three.js state updates to not be slowed by React

Graduate Capstone - Interactive 3D Diagrams for Hybrid Classrooms - Team LeaderGitHub Project

  • Designed and built a full-stack STEM education app in Figma, Node, TypeScript, React, and WebGL
  • Created 3D diagrams for physics and calculus, and procedural geometry of user-defined math
  • Developed a cloud-hosted HTTP and WebSocket backend API to let teachers and students interact


ISE Engineering Department Website UX Research and Redesign

  • Ran competitive analysis and faculty focus groups. Redesigned info architecture and wireframes
  • Department's full time designer adopted my research and design solutions to jumpstart their work

Filmmakers Club UX Research, Design, and Evaluation - Team Leader

  • Conducted UX interviews, observations, and artifact flow model of filmmakers to study user needs
  • Iterated low-fi wireframes and high-fi prototype of improved film schedule optimization workflow
  • Ran a Wizard of Oz user test on a data- and decision-centric user flow that Figma couldn't support

Virginia E-ZPass Landing Page Redesign

  • Redesigned page in Figma to improve accessibility, reduce clutter, and clarify information hierarchy
  • Adhered to E-ZPass brand colors, tone of voice, and image assets remastered to vector graphics

Amateur Stargazing App UX Research, Design, and Evaluation

  • Conducted UX interviews, observations, and affinity diagramming of shared outdoor campus space
  • Designed stargazing app mockups and ran a cognitive walkthrough evaluation with target users

Misc Projects

Demo Projects

  • Raytracer performance optimization with multithreading and acceleration structure in modern C++23
  • Grass 3D graphics using 100,000 mesh instancing and a subsurface scattering shader
  • 4-dimensional tetrahedral mesh geometry sliced into 3D procedural geometry in Three.js
  • Minesweeper in Rust running in a browser frontend through WebAssembly

Undergrad Capstone - Spatial Audio Design Editor - Team LeaderGitHub Project

  • Designed and implemented a 3D spatial audio editor using React, TypeScript, and WebGL
  • Visualized spatial audio fields heatmap following the Web Audio standard in a custom GLSL shader
  • Mentored teammates in React and Three.js. Won Capstone Industry Sponsor Award

Dover Fueling Solutions Hackathon Winner, 1st PlaceGitHub Project

  • Lead developer and taught teammates React for voice activated React app for digital gas pumps

C HTTP/1.1 Web Server

  • Implemented an HTTP server in C hosted on AWS. Supports JWT auth, Range requests, and JSON

Classmate Finder Google Forms Plugin

  • Volunteered to develop a JavaScript tool that connects students taking the same courses
  • Helped my on-campus residence community make connections during the Covid-19 pandemic


Chamber Music at Virginia Tech, led ensemble of 6 musicians

  • Transcribed and arranged video game music. Assembled, directed, and performed with ensemble

Technical Artist on a Multimedia Installation Art Project

  • Created 3D graphics inspired by and synchronized to a piece of music using Processing and Kotlin

Linguistics Club, Officer

  • Helped prepare and lead meetings on linguistics topics


Fluent in English and Hebrew


Polys, N., & Bendelac, N. (2022, November). Spatial Audio Designer. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on 3D Web Technology. https://doi.org/10.1145/3564533.3564563